The run-in to Christmas is an odd time in recruitment. Clients can often be absolutely desperate to get someone in by the end of the year, or absolutely desperate to get someone to start ASAP in the New Year but all are struggling with the traditional end-of-year backlog of work, parties and present buying. Finding the time to book in interviews or even just finding the time to think about booking in interviews can prove impossible. Things do happen, but most things get postponed. The same goes for candidates - the onrushing New Year can often manifest itself as a mental turning of a page... and the fear of turning over only to find exactly the same story as the page before often prompts an epiphany that change is a necessity. Unfortunately however, time to meet up/write CV's/have an in-depth conversation about their plans (all of which are necessary if I am to stand any chance of getting to the bottom of what they want, need and are suitable for) is in short supply.
The oft-resounding cry 'I'll do it over Christmas' falls on cynical recruiter ears... who is truly going to be organised enough to find time between turkey-basting, present-wrapping, champagne quaffing, Turkey-burning, present-opening, hangover-stuggling, New Year readying, New Year partying and hangover-struggling to sit down and update their CV?! I mean, come on!
There is an upside to being a recruiter within the Industry around Christmas however - I do get to hear about some of the gaffe's/mistakes/shocking behaviour from the agency Christmas do's... and there have been some classics this year! Unfortunately though, being good at my job requires big ears but certainly not a big mouth so I can't divulge the stories here... sorry!
I've heard a few over the past year or so. Not that i'd like to divulge them until I am sure they don't mind / won't see it ;)
I currently keep finding that several places want to hire junior planners but they all seem to require a head of planning beforehand... ah well! It's one of those industries where things can become urgent very quickly.
they certainly can, you just have to make sure you're keeping your finger on the pulse. Breaking into the industry is always tough, but it's worth it!
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